A downloadable tool for Windows


A simple sprite sheet generator for the command line on Windows and Linux.

SSSprites takes a directory of PNGs / JPGs / BMPs / TGAs and puts them into a sprite sheet. Files with other extensions are ignored. The same image formats are supported for output.


C:\>sssprites C:\images\hero_animation -out:C:\project\game\assets\sprites\hero_animation.png
REM use the working directory as the source for images if no directory is given
C:\images\hero_animation>sssprites -out:C:\project\game\assets\sprites\hero_animation.png


Surprisingly there seem to be very few usable sprite sheet generators for the command line, so I wrote this one. I guess nowadays big engines have their own tools for this and you could also make them manually or with relatively bad plugins for image editors, but I wanted something that could be easily integrated with the build script of my game projects, so here we are.


Only square images are supported as output

... and the output size and number of channels are guessed by the number of image files in the input directory and the size of the first image file


  • 4 files, first image: 128x128px, 3ch -> output image: 256x256pixels, 3ch
  • 9 files, first image: 128x128px, 3ch -> output image: 384x384pixels, 3ch
  • 5 files, first image: 128x128px, 3ch -> output image: 384x384pixels, 3ch

No way to manually specify the order of the images

The OS must provide the images in the right order, which usually means that the files must be named for alphabetical sorting.

All input images must be the same size, same number of channels, etc.

... otherwise an error will occur. This means either all images have an alpha channel or none of them do!


sssprites-version-0.0.3-win.zip 252 kB
Source Code

Install instructions

This is an unsigned binary, so Windows will complain the first time you execute it.

If you don't understand the inherent risk, then don't use Sssprites!

The short and somewhat incorrect version of signed vs unsigned binaries: Microsoft wants you to be a registered legal entity, that registers with them and pays them some money, so you can sign binaries and this supposedly makes your binary more trustworthy. There is some truth to this, but it's also a good amount of gaslighting because every signed application which can execute bundled scripts/other data completely circumvents this security mechanism, i.e. every single Unity Engine/Godot/Unreal Engine/Löve2D game and I'm sure loads of other things.

Development log

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